
Missionary Formation

You are called. You are chosen. You are set apart.

As a member of Christ’s Body, you have a responsibility to join in the Church’s mission. You are chosen to heal and grow the body of Christ. By the Sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation and participation in the Eucharist, you are called and set apart to spread the Gospel. This missionary commitment is not an option to your Christian life, but the culmination of your formation.

That’s why we have specially curated a Missionary Formation programme. Through learning and faith-building opportunities, we aid you in building your knowledge of the Catholic faith and reinforce your connection with God. By fostering a deeper understanding of your calling, our programme enables you to live out your faith authentically and bear witness to the Gospel’s transformative power.

Why should you sign up?

  • Live the Apostolic Prayer: As apostles, you are called to work towards the salvation of souls. Our Missionary Formation programme helps you surrender your desires and agendas. So you can seek God’s kingdom and trust that He will use you to fulfil His purposes. 
  • Develop Radical Trust in God: Our programme encourages you to step out in faith, relying solely on God. It allows you to experience His miraculous provision and divine guidance in the mission field.
  • Desire for God’s Great Glory: Being a people of goodwill reflects our identity as followers. Jesus came not to condemn the world, but to save it. We are called to follow his example. Our Missionary Formation programme’s community engagement initiative helps to develop a genuine love and concern for others.

How will you benefit from Missionary Formation?

  • Find Your Calling: Our Mission Formation programme will push you towards finding your calling and focusing on developing the skills required to fulfil it. The programme will also give you a deeper understanding of what it means to be a missionary of true faith.
  • Know Your Community: We offer community engagement programmes. So as you grow in Christ, you can grow in your relationship with fellow Christians.
  • Develop Leadership Qualities: We help you develop the leadership qualities required to become an active participant in the redemptive mission of Christ. So you can be more missional in drawing people towards true faith.
  • Understand Your Faith: Our sessions help you build a firm foundation on Biblical and Church teachings. So you can have a deeper understanding of your call to evangelise.
  • Grow in Faith: You may encounter unique challenges and obstacles. Our Missionary Formation programme helps you view these challenges as opportunities for spiritual growth. With a curriculum centred around true faith, this programme increases your trust in God while driving away all fear.

Our Missionary Formation programme empowers you to follow in the footsteps of Christ. It prepares you for a life of selfless service that leads to profound joy. At the end of the programme, you will transform your heart into one that is ever ready to live for Christ.